

JSON-RPC is a lightweight, stateless protocol for creating a remote procedure call (RPC) style API. We support several types of data and commands, with the possibility of notification (information sent to the server does not require a response) and multiple calls.

The request object includes the following properties:

  • jsonrpc — will always be "2.0", indicates the protocol version.
  • method — the name of the method to be called.
  • params — optional property, load to the call (method arguments).
  • id — optional property, unique call identifier. If you want to get the value from the called function, you must generate id on the client-side. When answering, you can understand which call the answer came by matching the response’s id.

Note. If you did not send id, then this means that you are not interested in the answer, and you will not receive anything from the server. Such a call is called a notification.

An answer can have the following properties:

  • jsonrpc — will always be "2.0", indicates the protocol version.
  • result — response body (return value of the method).
  • id — unique identifier of the response. It is needed so that the client can match to which request he received a response.
  • error — in case of a mistake, you will get an error field containing a code and a human-readable description of the error instead of the result.
    "jsonrpc": "2.0",
    "id": 1,
    "result": "pong"

Official source for JSON-RPC 2.0 Specification. You can ask clarifying questions to the guys from the JSON-RPC Google group.